by Joseph 

What is ICT policy? 

An information and communication Technology (ICT) policy is a strategic framework develop by government or organisation to guide the effective and responsible use of ICT within a specific context or sector. These policies outline the principle, goals, objectives and strategies for utilising technology to achieve specific outcome.

 Namibian ICT Policy for education vs  Rwandan ICT Policy for education 


Emplementing Educational Technology in Namibia

The Namibian ICT policy for education is implemented through a number of strategies, such as developing ICT standards and guidelines; provinding ICT infrastructure and equipment; developing ICT curriculum and content; providing ICT training and support;establishing ICT monitoring and evaluation system; mobilizing resources and partnership. 

ICT policy goals 

The Namibian ICT policy for education has six goals namely:

1. Produce ICT literate citizens. 

2. Produce people capable of working and participating in new information and knowledge based economy and society.

 3. Leverage ICT to assist and facilitate learning for the benefit of all learners and teachers across the curriculum. 

4.Promoting lifelong learning.

5. Improve the efficiency of education administration at every level of the classroom, school library, through the school, and on the sector as whole. 

6. Broaden access to quality educational services for learners at all levels of education system and set a specific criteria and target to help classify and categorize the different development levels of using ICT in education. 


The Namibian Government developed a Vision 2030 as its national plan to improve the quality of life of people of Namibia to level their counterparts in the developed world by 2030. Namibia's ICT in Education policy for education aims to prepare all Namibians to participate in global economy by being computer literate and to leverage in the education system through ICT integration. 


The purpose of the Namibian ICT policy for education is to coordinate the appropriate development, efficient delivery and quality use of technology to ensure ICT integration for excellence and equality in education.

Expectation from ICT and ICT education in Namibia, Dr Kauna Mufeni

For more information Click here


Emplementing Educational Technology in Rwanda 

Rwanda education ICT policy is implemented  through a number of initiatives, such as one laptop per child (OLPC), Smart Classroom; Rwanda Education Commons (REC);Rwanda Education Board (REB); Rwanda Development Board (RDB), Rwanda Information Society Authority (RISA)

The Rwandan ICT policy for education also covers all levels and sectors of education, from pre-primary to tertiary, formal and non-formal, public and private.

The Rwanda ICT policy for education has four goal namely

  1. .Furthering access, equity and equality and relevence in education.
  2. .Support the development of better teaching and learning.
  3. .Creating and delivering educational products.
  4. Aligning with the national vision.


The mission for ICT education is '' to harness the innovate and cost-effective potential of the world class educational technology tools and resources, for knowledge creation and deepening, to push out the boundaries of education: improve quality, increase access, enhance diversity of learning methods and materials, include new categories of learners foster both communication and collaboration skills, and build capacity of all those involved in providing education''.   


The purpose of the Rwanda ICT policy for education is to create a shared understanding for integrating ICT at all educational institutions, at all level to support the development of better teaching and learning to equip students and learner with 21st skills.

ICT visions and technology plans: education board

For more information  click here

How Rwanda uses ICT for inclusive education click here

Challenge face by Namibia and Rwanda in implementing ICT policy in Education 

  • Lack of adequate funding and resources.
  •  Lack of sufficient infrastructure and connectivity.
  • Lack of effective monitoring and evaluation 
  • Lack of skilled and motivated teachers.
  • Lack of coordination and collaboration among stakeholders. 
  • Limited ICT in educational resources.
  • Expertise turnover in learning institutions.


In conclusion, ICT policy is very important in determining the future of the educational system of both Namibia and Rwanda. ICT policy can assist in bridging the gap between students and high-quality education by facilitating access to information and enhancing instructional techniques. ICT implementation in education is not without difficulties, though. Progress can be hampered by a lack of tools and training, but with the correct assistance and direction, educators, students and parents can collaborate to guarantee that everyone has access to technology about education.


  1. A greater critical analysis could have been done on the 2 policies such as to determine; are they the same, are they targetting the same outcomes, is implementation the same, whcih of the 2 are envisioned to achieve more policy goals. Which of the 2 can be the targets of African agenda 2030 and beyond?, etc


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